Forums - Cable's repeated HVB! Show all 24 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Cable's repeated HVB! ( Posted by *Magneto* on 02:13:2001 03:21 AM: Okay,I have been trying to keep doing the hyper Viper Beams in a row. But I cant get it down.I know the first one is on the ground.But do u mash like hell when its going?Anyways I cant get him in the air on time.He pauses on the ground posing with his gun?!please give me help.Am I suppose to cancel out of the pose? Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by XMetal on 02:13:2001 03:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto*: Okay,I have been trying to keep doing the hyper Viper Beams in a row. But I cant get it down.I know the first one is on the ground.But do u mash like hell when its going?Anyways I cant get him in the air on time.He pauses on the ground posing with his gun?!please give me help.Am I suppose to cancel out of the pose? <IMG SRC=""> Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! um no the first one is not on teh ground. in fact hyper beam should NEVER be done on the ground, unless there's some queer, tiny, nearly irrelevant situation that i odn't know of, you always do hyper beam in the air. anyway, assuming you're on the gorund. do tiger knee into hyper beam and mash while holding down. when you land tiger knee again into AHVB and mash while holding up. then for the last one, when you land after hte 2nd one, just keep holding up and hten you regular jump and somewhere around the peak, hyper beam again. Posted by WGallahad on 02:13:2001 03:48 AM: your first Hyper Viper Beam doesn't need to be a Tiger Knee Motion, jsut as long as you are in the air. mashing the buttons and holding down, i dont' know if you really gotta do that. The second one needs to be Tiger knee motion, and the third shoudl be a hop and at the peak Hyper viper beam, and all after that should be hops and Hyper viper beams, but be warned that if you're using htis on an assist, the time it takes you to hop to your max jump and Hyper beam, a point character, (assuming he aint' getting hit) can super jump out. It's harder to jump out of the Tiger knee motion AHVB cause you dont' know how much time you have. just fair warning Just call me "UnderDrive" Posted by Zerogun on 02:13:2001 04:01 AM: Well, you can't do more than 3 AHVB on the opponent's point character. The last one is just not worth the damage and it has a great chance of missing. However, if you do catch the assist in the AHVB then by all means continue it. Only remember, the point character HAS to be stuck in block motion. Then when you land you can do the Tiger Knee motion to do the next AHVB and it's fast enough to catch them both again. Posted by *Magneto* on 02:13:2001 04:15 AM: Whats the Tiger Knee motion? Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by Truedragon on 02:13:2001 04:56 AM: Tigerknee:d,df,f,uf motion. Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 02:13:2001 05:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by XMetal: in fact hyper beam should NEVER be done on the ground, unless there's some queer, tiny, nearly irrelevant situation that i odn't know of, you always do hyper beam in the air. If you connect a regular viper beam while on the ground, always cancel it into ground HVB. If your no good with HP HP HP psimitar XX AHVB, you could always leave out the psimitar and cancel HP into ground HVB. It pisses me off when people have the opportunity to connect the ground HVB but choose not to becuz they think it's useless but it's not. If you have a guaranteed hit with ground HVB take it, it's just as good as AHVB you just can't chain it. Don't overlook the HVB's comboability, it's better than a mega optic blast, and if your no good at doing tiger knee timing it will chain off standing roundhouse, viper beam, and HP. Posted by StiltMan on 02:13:2001 05:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by Zerogun: Well, you can't do more than 3 AHVB on the opponent's point character. The last one is just not worth the damage and it has a great chance of missing. Both wrong. 1. If you do the first AHVB with a tiger knee holding the beam low, then a normal jump with the beam low, then a tiger knee with the beam high, then a jump with the beam high, you can get four relatively easily on Juggernaut and Sentinel. 2. If you do the classic three with tiger knee low, tiger knee high, normal jump high and don't screw it up, it's very consistent. Posted by CgHuReInS on 02:13:2001 06:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Smellypants: If you connect a regular viper beam while on the ground, always cancel it into ground HVB. If your no good with HP HP HP psimitar XX AHVB, you could always leave out the psimitar and cancel HP into ground HVB. It pisses me off when people have the opportunity to connect the ground HVB but choose not to becuz they think it's useless but it's not. If you have a guaranteed hit with ground HVB take it, it's just as good as AHVB you just can't chain it. Don't overlook the HVB's comboability, it's better than a mega optic blast, and if your no good at doing tiger knee timing it will chain off standing roundhouse, viper beam, and HP. It definitely depends on what character you're up against. For example, if it's Cable vs. Cable, you NEVER want to do a ground HVB, or else you'll just get AHVB'd in the recovery time. AHVB's are much better. Use the ground one with caution. Junior Junior Junior Posted by *Magneto* on 02:14:2001 07:05 PM: I got it now THX! Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! Posted by phillip on 02:14:2001 10:27 PM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto*: I got it now THX! <IMG SRC=""> Fool! Your weapons are metal! And all metal is but putty in the hands of the Master of Magnetism! you sure? Click here to see my FAQs! Posted by Monkey on 02:15:2001 01:21 AM: JUST STICK WITH MAGNETO!! -Monkey Posted by FMJaguar on 02:15:2001 01:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Smellypants: If you connect a regular viper beam while on the ground, always cancel it into ground HVB. If your no good with HP HP HP psimitar XX AHVB, you could always leave out the psimitar and cancel HP into ground HVB. It pisses me off when people have the opportunity to connect the ground HVB but choose not to becuz they think it's useless but it's not. If you have a guaranteed hit with ground HVB take it, it's just as good as AHVB you just can't chain it. Don't overlook the HVB's comboability, it's better than a mega optic blast, and if your no good at doing tiger knee timing it will chain off standing roundhouse, viper beam, and HP. Keep in mind, that most characters can hit cable for free after a ground hyper viper beam or a normal viper beam, one of the main rules to cable is to NEVER to beam on the ground. Posted by Baby Bonnie Hood on 02:15:2001 04:03 PM: Actually, I think that rule applies to everyone. If you can do a projectile/beam in the air, do it in the air. Doing it on the ground is risky, especially if you do it outside a combo. Anyways, I've thought up another way of doing the AHVBs-in-a-row. What if, upon landing from an AHVB, Cable did a Psimitar and cancelled into the AHVB? The Psimitar does get him into the air quite quickly... "Wanna play with an innocent girl like me? Tsk tsk, you bad person..." - Baby Bonnie Hood Posted by knives on 02:15:2001 04:23 PM: quote: Originally posted by Baby Bonnie Hood: Actually, I think that rule applies to everyone. If you can do a projectile/beam in the air, do it in the air. Doing it on the ground is risky, especially if you do it outside a combo. Anyways, I've thought up another way of doing the AHVBs-in-a-row. What if, upon landing from an AHVB, Cable did a Psimitar and cancelled into the AHVB? The Psimitar does get him into the air quite quickly... <IMG SRC=""> "Wanna play with an innocent girl like me? Tsk tsk, you bad person..." - Baby Bonnie Hood uhh why would you want to would look gay as hell and it's much easier to just tiger it. Posted by Shuzer on 02:15:2001 06:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by StiltMan: Both wrong. 1. If you do the first AHVB with a tiger knee holding the beam low, then a normal jump with the beam low, then a tiger knee with the beam high, then a jump with the beam high, you can get four relatively easily on Juggernaut and Sentinel. Actually, on Jugg(not sure how it works on anyone else... haven't touched the game in a while), you can tiger knee the first 3 AHVB. AHVB down, AHVB neutral-then up, AHVB up, jump AHVB up. Or if you have a DC and need help with AHVB consistency, just keep doing AHVB on Jug with infinite meter on. Just keep the beam at neutral, and Jug lands on it every time. Posted by Yarouze on 02:16:2001 12:01 AM: well DC you can't really practice anything that uses that much timing, because you fall faster in the DC version, so you can get off more AHVBs... well nothing is a substitute of a arcade machine, or practice at a local arcade, also, you have to get used to timing against human players -Is anyone there? Posted by sabretooth on 02:16:2001 07:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Yarouze: well DC you can't really practice anything that uses that much timing, because you fall faster in the DC version, <IMG SRC=""> -Is anyone there? Are you sure? Posted by Zeo on 02:16:2001 09:02 AM: If cable gets hit by the ground hyper vyper beam he still has enough time retaliate with an air hyper vyper Posted by ShadyK on 02:16:2001 09:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by Baby Bonnie Hood: Anyways, I've thought up another way of doing the AHVBs-in-a-row. What if, upon landing from an AHVB, Cable did a Psimitar and cancelled into the AHVB? The Psimitar does get him into the air quite quickly... Hehe that's old and I do that sometimes when I wanna show off. Not reliable though as a way to do AHVBx3 consistently. Posted by NewGen on 02:18:2001 02:07 AM: funny i connected 5 in a row b4 Posted by PsiANyd on 02:18:2001 06:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by NewGen: funny i connected 5 in a row b4 In what situation? Against what character? Was it an assister? Anyone with reasonable experience with Cable can link 5 on BH Sent Jugg etc. If it was an assister well anyone can do that as well. Please elaborate. "Not everyone can be a master of perversion"-Happosai Posted by BarrelO on 02:18:2001 07:19 AM: quote: Originally posted by Zerogun: Well, you can't do more than 3 AHVB on the opponent's point character. Au contraire. I've had 4 AHVBs in a row done to my Captain America as a point character. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by BlackShinobi on 02:18:2001 11:05 AM: Cheap, but effective Long live the Tiger Viper Beam! (as we call it here) A few things to rember 1)This world was built by shotos, never forget it! 2)All of the world (or at least Philly) shall quake in fear of my skills. All times are GMT. The time now is 03:14 AM. Show all 24 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.